The Daily Race: Fast & Furious or Slow & Steady?

The Daily Race: Fast & Furious or Slow & Steady?

The Daily Race: Fast & Furious or Slow & Steady?

There is no one constant daily speed.

How fast you go is dependent on two things:

The complexity of the task(s) to be accomplished and the circumstances – personal, professional and environmental – surrounding the job.

Some days are like sprints – fast and furious to the finish line. And you should enjoy every moment of urgency that naturally accompanies speed, deadlines and the requirement to deliver NOW.

While other days are like a marathon – slow and steady. With the pleasure of the time and detail to linger over a project and make it “just right.”

The Bottom Line:

Whatever the speed, the purpose of running the daily race should always be the same: having the maximum positive impact at the end of the race.

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