13 Sep Why Business Cards Still Matter
There is an argument that, in the era of immediate electronically exchanged contact information, the business card no longer serves a purpose and should go the way of the rotary phone. While the ease of exchanging information electronically is undisputed, I believe exchanging business cards has a psychological impact on both the giver and the receiver that the electronic version cannot have.
This point was made again last night when a coaching client and I were having dinner at a Chicago restaurant. When giving us the check, our server gave us each a very nice business card with his name and position (“Certified Trainer”) and the restaurant’s contact information on it.
The simple act of giving us his business card made me more aware that the restaurant was well run and staffed by professionals. And isn’t this one of the reasons to give out a business card: to impress the recipient with the fact we are professional enough to have a (nice) business card? It is one more item of marketing/advertising that positively impacts the recipient.
But the business card also has a positive impact on the employee who gives it to a customer because it publicly announces the restaurant regards him/her as a valued professional. And that automatically increases the employee’s motivation to meet the expected level of professionalism.
So why doesn’t everyone in a company have a business card? Doesn’t it make sense for the counter guy or the truck driver making deliveries to give every customer his business card with the message “If there are any issues with the merchandise or service you received, call for immediate satisfaction.” This simple piece of inexpensive printed paper can generate a sense of pride, engagement, and professionalism in employees as well as change the perception of the customer about the company.
And, finally, doesn’t it make sense for the company’s employees to carry company business cards with them so, when they meet a person they believe would be good addition to the company, they can hand them a business card with this message on the back: “I think you would make a great co-worker! If you are interested in a better job at a great company, contact me for more information.”
The Bottom Line:
It is often the little things that cause employees to not only do the job but also give the discretionary effort needed to create a High-Performance Organization. For a very few dollars, every employee in the company could have a business card and will care a bit more about the company and their role in it. And that is a no-brainer ROI!
P.S.: If the company is not using its own employees to recruit new employees, what is that saying about the organization?
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