A Presentation that has an immediate impact on the audience
FACT: In the current chaotic business environment, the resilience of an organization’s workforce, the ability to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, setbacks, defeats, failure and the daily demands of the workplace, is recognized as the organization’s defining competitive advantage.
FACT: Fostering a resilient workplace increases productivity, lowers healthcare costs, lowers absenteeism, decreases turnover, generates greater job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee engagement.
FACT: Although some people have more resilience than others, resilience is a skill. And like any skill, the ability to become more resilient is available to anyone with the proper training.
The Resilience Edge™ Presentation encourages every member of the Organization, from C -Suite Executives to Front Line Team Members, to understand how they can become more resilient, less stressed, have more mental toughness and Grit and positively impact their own performance and productivity throughout the Organization, and provides them with the tools to improve their resilience skill set.
Paul offers one- and two-hour presentations, customized, after consultation with the event planner, so they are relevant to the audience and organization.
Here are the most popular elements of the Resilience Edge™ Presentation
Available Upon Request After the Presentation: Paul offers an immersive post- presentation, four-hour Workshop on Developing The Resilience Edge™, that includes the Adversity Profile and the GRIT Scale.
The No B.S. Workplace Performance Coach